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Smog in Shanghai, China


NASA ARSET maintains an up-to-date listing of the many webtools available for satellite data access, processing, and visualization. Here, we list a few of them. For the novice, Worldview is a powerful and rather user-friendly webtool for data visualization.

There are number of tutorials on accessing, processing and visualizing satellite data. For example,

Data discovery, visualization, and analysis resources for the end-user.

True color imagery and Smoke  
Application Specific  
EOSDIS Earth Observing System Data and Information System.  Useful web tools are available to search data files by instrument andtrace gas type.
Land Atmosphere Near-real-time Capability for EOS is NASA’s main tool for visualization and download of near-real-time data and imagery.
Earthdata Search Search, access and download data files, with spatial and temporal sub-setting.
GES DISC Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center.
A NASA data center where trace gases and aerosol files may be found.
GES DISC/ Giovanni An interactive visualization and analysis web tool.
LaRC ASDC Langley Research Center Atmospheric Science Data Center.
A NASA data center where trace gases and aerosol files may be found.
LAADS Web Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System.  Access MODIS L1, Atmosphere and Land products, and VIIRS L1 and Land products.
Worldview An interactive visualization and analysis web tool.
HMS NOAA Hazard Mapping System Fire and Smoke Product.
Access near-real-time data.
Fire Information for Resource Management System.
Access near-real-time data.
IDEA NOAA Infusing Satellite Data into Environmental Applications.  Near-real-time access to MODIS and GOES aerosol products and meteorological information.
IMAPP NOAA IDEA-I International MODIS/AIRS Processing Package. A software package that uses either Terra or Aqua MODIS AOD to identify areas of high aerosol loading, with which 48-hr forward trajectories are initialized.
RSIG EPA Remote Sensing Information Gateway. Facilitates comparisons between NASA imagery and CMAQ model output.
EO Browser ESA EO Browser. Facilitates visualizing TROPOMI data.

*There are web tools that provide access to multiple parameters relevant to AQ (e.g., aerosols and gases), data files, and visualizations, and in some cases other features, such as temporal and spatial sub-setting of the data, and limited data analysis