Middle East
There were large changes in OMI NO2 levels over the Middle East from 2005 to 2016. Large increases, such as over the Nile River Valley and Delta (Egypt) and Tehran (Iran), may reflect energy usage increases associated with a growing population. Large increases also occurred over the Persian Gulf and the oil fields of Iraq. Civil strife in the region led to large decreases over Syria and increases in neighboring countries, such as Lebanon and southern Turkey, where many Syrians migrated. Large decreases over Dubai (United Arab Emirates) resulted from environmental regulations on NOx emissions.
Middle East Regional Changes in NO2, 2005-2016

The trend map of the Middle East shows the change in nitrogen dioxide concentrations from 2005 to 2016.
City | Country | Region | 2021 Average NO2 | Change (%) | Uncertainty (±%) |
Abu Dhabi | U.A.E. |
Middle East | 3.299e+15 | 8.17124 | 9.85 |
Abu Kir | Egypt |
Middle East | 2.017e+15 | 14.7813 | 8.23 |
Afsin Elbistan Termik Santrali | Turkey |
Middle East | 1.349e+15 | -35.2099 | 12.01 |
Al Shemal | Iraq |
Middle East | 3.480e+15 | 106.420 | 16.43 |
Alba Power Station | Bahrain |
Middle East | 4.627e+15 | -24.2273 | 5.56 |
Alexandria | Egypt |
Middle East | 1.992e+15 | 15.5186 | 8.11 |
Ankara | Turkey |
Middle East | 3.513e+15 | -2.07372 | 11.54 |
Middle East | 3.329e+15 | -0.301682 | 9.32 |
Az Zour South CCGT | Kuwait |
Middle East | 6.392e+15 | 7.96366 | 10.99 |
Baghdad | Iraq |
Middle East | 6.006e+15 | 51.9108 | 11.85 |
Beirut | Lebanon |
Middle East | 5.304e+15 | 101.743 | 15.91 |
Cairo | Egypt |
Middle East | 5.078e+15 | 17.3480 | 7.68 |
Damascus | Syria |
Middle East | 2.227e+15 | -31.1492 | 7.01 |
Damavand C.C. | Iran |
Middle East | 8.172e+15 | 69.1842 | 19.32 |
Doha West | Kuwait |
Middle East | 5.041e+15 | 5.80499 | 6.93 |
Dubai | UAE |
Middle East | 7.148e+15 | -17.2918 | 7.45 |
Middle East | 3.780e+15 | 21.4003 | 9.42 |
Gaziantep | Turkey |
Middle East | 2.352e+15 | 65.6725 | 11.44 |
Ghazlan | Saudi Arabia |
Middle East | 4.835e+15 | -16.8846 | 5.46 |
Hajr for Electricity Production Co. Station | Saudi Arabia |
Middle East | 3.643e+15 | -16.3434 | 5.93 |
Homs | Syria |
Middle East | 2.482e+15 | 8.55492 | 7.96 |
Istanbul | Turkey |
Middle East | 5.227e+15 | -16.4734 | 9.52 |
Jebel Ali | UAE |
Middle East | 5.980e+15 | -6.53780 | 8.28 |
Jeddah South | Saudi Arabia |
Middle East | 2.645e+15 | -9.25496 | 10.85 |
Jerusalem | Israel |
Middle East | 2.615e+15 | -34.7910 | 6.60 |
Kirkuk | Iraq |
Middle East | 3.255e+15 | 69.8160 | 14.44 |
Kuriemat 2 | Egypt |
Middle East | 3.489e+15 | 32.3155 | 8.75 |
Kuwait City | Kuwait |
Middle East | 6.288e+15 | -0.157902 | 6.56 |
Marafiq IWPP | Saudi Arabia |
Middle East | 4.967e+15 | -7.66167 | 5.84 |
Mecca | Saudi Arabia |
Middle East | 2.827e+15 | -14.4173 | 8.06 |
Mesaieed CCGT Power Plant | Qatar |
Middle East | 3.696e+15 | 4.94814 | 10.50 |
Mosul | Iraq |
Middle East | 3.601e+15 | 81.6118 | 14.13 |
Muscat | Oman |
Middle East | 1.944e+15 | -8.00679 | 6.71 |
North Giza | Egypt |
Middle East | 3.178e+15 | 37.5734 | 9.86 |
Nubaria | Egypt |
Middle East | 2.408e+15 | 16.9722 | 8.81 |
Orot Rabin | Israel |
Middle East | 1.968e+15 | -37.8145 | 7.79 |
Qurayyah CC | Saudi Arabia |
Middle East | 4.011e+15 | -14.8288 | 5.61 |
Qurayyah Steam | Saudi Arabia |
Middle East | 4.011e+15 | -14.8288 | 5.61 |
Rabigh | Saudi Arabia |
Middle East | 2.547e+15 | 26.8623 | 11.47 |
Rabigh 2 | Saudi Arabia |
Middle East | 2.547e+15 | 26.8623 | 11.47 |
Ras Laffan C CCGT Power Plant | Qatar |
Middle East | 3.644e+15 | -1.18997 | 10.87 |
Riyadh | Saudi Arabia |
Middle East | 6.853e+15 | -29.7858 | 8.81 |
Riyadh 10 | Saudi Arabia |
Middle East | 4.982e+15 | 2.98481 | 15.32 |
Riyadh 12 | Saudi Arabia |
Middle East | 1.497e+15 | 10.7915 | 9.98 |
Riyadh 8 | Saudi Arabia |
Middle East | 6.228e+15 | -30.8991 | 9.68 |
Riyadh 9 | Saudi Arabia |
Middle East | 4.867e+15 | -11.6147 | 10.19 |
Rutenberg | Israel |
Middle East | 1.872e+15 | -27.6298 | 9.41 |
Sabiya | Kuwait |
Middle East | 6.218e+15 | 38.4125 | 10.34 |
Sanaa | Yemen |
Middle East | 1.328e+15 | -7.85255 | 9.12 |
Shahid Rajaee | Iran |
Middle East | 4.946e+15 | 36.6720 | 13.65 |
Shaiba | Saudi Arabia |
Middle East | 2.436e+15 | 22.6949 | 12.80 |
Shuweihat S1 | UAE |
Middle East | 1.702e+15 | 28.0293 | 12.26 |
Sidi Krir | Egypt |
Middle East | 1.825e+15 | 15.5606 | 8.47 |
Middle East | 3.788e+15 | 15.0213 | 9.88 |
Tehran | Iran |
Middle East | 1.348e+16 | 18.9002 | 10.85 |
Zonguldak Eren | Turkey |
Middle East | 2.349e+15 | 31.0233 | 11.06 |